Complaints, Grievances & Disputes
Handling Policy


At the Happy Paws Happy Hearts (HPHH) we uphold the rights of all people to question and influence decisions made regarding the services provided to them. All complaints, grievances and disputes are taken seriously and managed in a timely, confidential and systematic way.


This policy applies to complaints, grievances and disputes made by participants, carers and service provider partners. This policy excludes:

  • Minor or informal issues raised with HPHH staff during daily interactions with participants, carers or partners.

  • Complaints or issues raised by employees or volunteers are covered under the Employee and Volunteer Disputes Policy.

  • Matters being dealt with by an external complaints agency or the courts.

  • Matters concerning services provided by another service provider. These matters should be discussed directly with the service provider in question and refer to their complaints handling mechanisms.

  • Complaints, grievances and disputes made by an employee of another agency concerning their employer should be referred to the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services.


The objective of this policy is to provide clarity for HPHH personnel so that complaints, grievances and disputes are handled consistently, and decisions are made in a transparent, timely and meaningful manner. This ensures HPHH meets our commitment to provide high-quality services to all participants.


Complaints, disputes and grievances should be handled promptly, objectively and confidentially.

Persons making a complaint should not suffer punishment for making the complaint or seeking dispute resolution.

All complaints, grievances and disputes should be documented and clearly outline the HPHH decision, actions and how it will inform the foundation’s commitment to continuous improvement. A copy of the report may be shared with stakeholders.



A participant, carer or a family member, a service provider partner or a member of the public may make complaints or grievances either face-to-face, via phone, mail, email or online. 

In some situations, a person may require assistance with making a complaint or dispute.  

If a matter relates to an allegation or suspected harm or risk of harm to a direct participant, the issue should be managed in accordance with the Critical Incident Reporting Policy and Procedures

The complainant will receive acknowledgement of their concerns in writing either via mail, email or online. 

Manager/Coordinator Responsibilities

  • Must ensure that complaints or grievances are recorded in the complaints register and actions taken as agreed with stakeholders.

  • Demonstrate respect and maintain confidentiality at all times.

  • Support employees, volunteers and/or participants if requested.

  • Develop and review processes that effectively deal with complaints.

  • Review and analyse trends and appropriately address identified systemic issues.


A participant, carer/family, service provider or member of the public may raise a complaint to an employee, volunteer or manager/coordinator. If an employee or volunteer is made aware of a dispute they must notify the manager/coordinator immediately. The manager/coordinator may request to meet with the person to resolve the matter face-to-face.

Disputes should be addressed with the persons affected within 48 hours, where possible, of the dispute occurring.

When handling a dispute, principles of conflict resolution apply. All employees/volunteers are advised to read the Complaints, Grievances and Disputes Handling Procedures and seek support and guidance from the manager/coordinator when needed.

Manager/Coordinator Responsibilities

  • Support and guide staff on their rights and responsibilities. 

  • Always maintain partiality and fairness.

  • Have a manager/coordinator disengage from the matter and facilitate discussion to maintain objectivity. 

  • Ensure that all records regarding the outcome, factors considered, decision-making process and agreed actions are recorded in the participant’s file. 


In all instances complaints, grievances and disputes should be addressed and managed locally. If there are instances where this is not prudent, then the matter should be referred to a Director of HPHH. The Director is responsible for ensuring that if the person is not satisfied with the outcome, the person is referred to an external agency for review.

If the issue cannot be resolved then the person is immediately redirected to the complaints management process through the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services.

Through the dispute handling process, the person should be offered assistance with their complaint/grievance. This may include providing information as to where to access an interpreter, advocates and external agencies such as the Office of the Public Guardian, Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal or Queensland Ombudsman.

Continuous Improvement

All complaints and grievances documented in the register should be systematically reviewed to identify areas for improvement or change how services are delivered.

Last updated: 03/04/2017

Status: Released