Values and Code of Conduct Policy


Happy Paws Happy Hearts (HPHH) conducts its business according to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, respect, and fairness when dealing with all participants, stakeholders, employees and volunteers.


This policy covers various areas of professional conduct and details the minimum standards of behaviour expected of all HPHH team members including HPHH Board Members, staff, contractors, placement students, volunteers, participants and their associated support staff.


All HPHH team members have a responsibility to always conduct services and support in a professional manner and demonstrate respect for all persons regardless of gender, age, disability, creed, sexuality, race or cultural beliefs. HPHH is committed to promoting and maintaining a culture that is honest, collaborative, supportive, friendly, rewarding and dedicated.


Our values guide our behaviour and help us operate as a service which we can be proud of. These values help define who we are as a foundation and what we stand for. We have key principles that we expect our managers, coordinators and all staff and volunteers to demonstrate in their day-to-day roles.

  • We have big hearts: We lead with kindness, generosity and authenticity.

  • We have welcoming hearts: We welcome with an open mind, providing a safe and inclusive environment.

  • We have hopeful hearts: We acknowledge life’s challenges, but we still aim to embrace the quirky and rejoice in moments of positivity and progress.

  • We have courageous hearts: We support each other on a journey of change towards what we can collectively achieve.

Code of Conduct

The following establishes the standards of ethics and conduct that must be met by all those representing HPHH:

Compliance with Legislation, Policy and Procedures

  • Behave in a manner that is not fraudulent, corrupt or unlawful and complies with community standards.

  • Comply with all relevant legislation and regulations, including workplace health and safety legislation.

  • Comply with all relevant HPHH policies, procedures, rules, regulations and contracts including the relevant policies and procedures of our partner organisations.

  • Comply with all reasonable and lawful instructions provided by an authorised HPHH representative.

Representing HPHH

  • Act in good faith and in the best interests of HPHH and partnering rescue organisations as a whole.

  • Be honest and fair in dealings with participants, co-workers, partners and the general public.

  • Dress in a task-appropriate manner and ensure that appearance is presentable, clean, neat and tidy.

  • Take responsibility and accountability for duties and actions.

  • Work collaboratively and in partnership, to serve the best interests of participants, team members and HPHH as a whole.

  • Encourage a supportive and friendly work environment.

  • Actively learn from one another, share relevant information and seek assistance when required.

  • Recognise and respect the diverse and complimentary skills of others and be open to feedback.


Do not make any unauthorised statements to the media about the foundation’s business (requests for media statements should be referred to the CEO) as per POL-027 Social Media Policy.

Conflict of Interest

  • You must disclose any actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest. For employees, this includes declaring any secondary employment.

  • Appropriately manage any conflicts of interest. This may include removing yourself from activities and decision making related to the conflict of interest.

  • Disclose to HPHH Executive Leadership Team any gift, reward, travel, support, incentive, entertainment (including sporting event) or other benefit that you have been offered, directly or indirectly.


  • Respect the HPHH equipment, supplies and property, and use and maintain these resources with due care. HPHH team members must not:

    • Use HPHH resources/ letterheads for personal purposes not relating to work or duties (including personal legal matters).

    • Use the internet to access or email sexually explicit, harrassing or other inappropriate material.

    • Use company information or work time for private gain.

  • Agree that any work undertaken during the course of your engagement and/or employment with HPHH remains the intellectual property of HPHH. This includes but is not limited to reports, artworks, images or data.

  • Adhere to all copyright or other proprietary rights.


  • Maintain confidentiality of any confidential information and/or records during and following cessation of engagement and/or employment with HPHH. Such information may include internal documents, participant information, private conversations with partners, staff members, contractors, placement students, volunteers, participants and their support staff.

  • Respect the privacy of HPHH partners, staff members, contractors, placement students, volunteers, participants and their support staff and not disclose or share any personal details or information you learn through your engagement and/or employment with HPHH.

Unacceptable Behaviour

  • No authorised drugs or alcohol in the workplace.

  • No harrassing behaviour or discrimination towards any other persons.

  • No inappropriate language, including swearing.

  • No gossiping or speculation that breaches confidentiality or is damaging to interpersonal relationships, workplace motivation or morale.

HPHH takes seriously its obligations to comply with all federal, state and local government laws and regulation, as well as common law obligations, and requires all HPHH team members and volunteers to do the same.

Any reports of an actual or suspected violation of this Code of Conduct must be reported to a HPHH Executive Leadership Team member who must take all reasonable steps within their control to ensure that:

  • the behaviour of the alleged in the report is thoroughly investigated;

  • the rules of natural justice are observed in that investigation; and

  • appropriate action is taken.

Where an investigation confirms there has been a breach of the HPHH Values and Code of Conduct, the following actions may be taken:

  • Removal from the relevant program or site.

  • Disciplinary action (HPHH staff members only). In cases where the breach involves serious misconduct, this may result in instant dismissal.

In cases where a breach of the policy involves a breach of any law, then the relevant government authorities and/ or the police will be notified.

HPHH affirms that where an employee or volunteer (“Reporting Officer”) reports in good faith an actual or suspected violation of this Code of Conduct, the role of the Reporting Officer will be protected, including through the following measures:

  • the Reporting Officer’s identity will not be revealed without the consent of the Reporting Officer (except where such disclosure is required by law); and

  • no disciplinary action, discriminatory or other adverse action will be taken (or tolerated) against the Reporting Officer as a consequence of reporting, in good faith, a violation or suspected violation.

    POL-004 Values and Code of Conduct Policy
    Version: 3.0 Date Approved: 15/03/2023
    Approved by: HPHH Board