International Women’s Day 2024 at HPHH

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated globally on 8 March each year. Its purpose is to shine a light on women’s social, economic, cultural and political achievements. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender equality.  

Happy Paws Happy Hearts is focused and passionate about supporting women and providing opportunity for growth in a safe and inclusive environment. As an organisation predominantly composed of women, the emphasis lies on the importance of collaboration, supporting one another, and uplifting each other. Leading with warm and welcoming hearts, we strive to embody our mantra of being All Heart in all our endeavours, whether hand in hand or paw in paw. 

Our team is filled with incredibly kind, talented, knowledgeable, dedicated and passionate women who have propelled HPHH forward over the past 10 years. Founded by our CEO, Zoë Black, we are continuing to pave the way forward for our female colleagues, while nurturing our female participants.  

International Women’s Day theme for 2024 

The 2024 theme for IWD is Inspire Inclusion

By including women in all spaces, we can forge a better world for all people. By making women feel like they should be in all spaces, they will have a sense of belonging, relevance and empowerment – of being truly included. 

The official IWD website provides helpful guidelines to support our fellow women and to help us live by this theme: 

  • When women aren't present, we must ask: "If not, why not?" 

  • When women are discriminated against, we must call out poor practice. 

  • When the treatment of women is not equitable, we must take action. 

  • And we must do this each time, every time. 

To learn more about the IWD campaign theme of #InspireInclusion, please visit the IWD website.  

Celebrating the women of HPHH 

There are currently 50 women working at Happy Paws Happy Hearts. From the Program Delivery team to the Marketing team to the Executive Leadership team – there are women in all of these spaces.  

We also support many women through our programs. We have participants who identify as women, men and non-binary people, and we create a safe and inclusive space for all of these people. At Happy Paws Happy Hearts, everyone is treated equally – with kindness, respect and dignity, regardless of their gender identity.  

Let’s ‘paws’ to celebrate some of the amazing women of HPHH.  

Program Trainer and Case Manager Sarah Clonta was inspired by her lived experience with her father, who is vision impaired and struggled with his mental health after losing his job when she was a teenager, to join HPHH. She is also currently studying Occupational Therapy (OT). 

“The thing that saved him was getting involved in the community and making friends. Now he has a better social life than me and spends time giving back in the Redlands. This inspired me to join HPHH as our group programs bring people back to life and out of their social isolation,” Sarah says.   

Head of People & Capability Claire Jordan wasn’t looking for a job when she stumbled across a story about HPHH, it brought her to tears and inspired her to join us.  

“I have a daughter with a disability with complex needs. I was inspired to join HPHH after hearing such amazing stories of HPHH making such a difference to so many people, Claire says.  

“I believe the human-animal bond can heal and support people so much; it is truly magic.” 

HPHH Participant and Volunteer Hayley has attended HPHH since July 2022 because she wanted a pathway to work with animals. Since graduating our Explore Program, she has since become a volunteer with HPHH and RSPCA Wacol. 

Still attending her Train sessions, she says she has more confidence and improved her communication skills. Working with animals makes her feel good. 

“I love it so much and I love seeing the animals get out of their pens and see them happy. It makes everyone else happy,” she says.   

HPHH Participant Brittany says her favourite thing about HPHH is she can finally just ‘be herself’.  

“I hid myself from the moment I entered high school; I tried to go with the flow and be like everyone else,” she said.  

“[At HPHH] there’s no judgement. You can be who you are. It’s safe, and the people just accept you for you.” 

Who can celebrate International Women’s Day? 

IWD shouldn’t just be celebrated by women – everyone should celebrate it. This day designed to shine a spotlight on women, but the only way this can truly happen is if everyone is looking! 

 The only way we can create meaningful change in the world for women is for everyone to be involved in conversations centred around women.   

So, together, let's make a powerful commitment to stand up for the women in our lives and champion inclusivity every single day. Take the opportunity this International Women's Day to express heartfelt appreciation to the women around you. Together, let's inspire a culture of inclusion and upliftment for all. 

How to be an ally on International Women’s Day 

There are things we can all do to be allies to the women in our lives.  

  • Call out sexism, harassment and injustice when you see it. 

    • Similarly, even when women aren’t around but you hear people making inappropriate comments, say something! The only way we can change the ways of others is by calling them out. 

  • Advocate for women in the workplace. 

  • Acknowledge privilege when relevant. 

  • Look out for girls in social situations and ask them if they feel safe and comfortable. 

  • Ask the women in your life how you can support them. 

  • Listen with an open mind and heart. 


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