Our Programs
Happy Paws Happy Hearts (HPHH) works within rescue shelters and wildlife sanctuaries to facilitate group programs. We offer animal care, handling, and training programs designed to give participants a rewarding personal development experience. We welcome people with a range of abilities and support needs including people living with a disability or mental health challenges, Australian Defence Force personnel and veterans, first responders, and injured workers living with trauma.
Participants learn about caring for pets and native wildlife, and apply these learnings to support shelter animals ready for adoption or release back into the wild.
Over the last eight years, HPHH has helped many individuals facing challenges and isolation.
HPHH and our participants work closely with rescue animals each week to help them rebuild their trust in humans, learn new skills, and recover from trauma. Many of our participants have lived similar experiences, and empathise on a deep level with the experiences of the animals in care, which creates a unique environment to facilitate life-changing outcomes.
In-Shelter Programs
This course is for you if:
You are 12+ with various abilities and support needs.
You are part of the NDIS, SLES, other disability services, or self-funded.
You are interested in goal setting, learning specific tasks, and becoming more social.
You want to learn about shelters and how they work.
You want to meet an assortment of furry, feathered, and scaly friends.
In-Shelter Intensive Programs
This course is for you if:
You are a veteran or currently serving member of the Defence Force, a first responder, or an injured worker.
You heard about Happy Paws Happy Hearts through iCare, Work Cover, DVA, an ESO or an associated referral agency.
You like interacting with dogs and other shelter animals.
You are interested in goal setting, learning specific tasks, and becoming more social.
You want to join a course that specialises in dog training and rehabilitation.
You want to learn about how shelters work.
HPHH Online Program
This course is for you if:
You are unable to access a shelter location.
You are in a region where a location is opening and you want to try our program.
You are on a waitlist for our program.
You are 12+ with various abilities and support needs.
You are part of the NDIS, SLES, other disability services, or self-funded.
You are interested in goal setting, learning specific tasks, and becoming more social.
You want to learn about shelters and how they work.
You want to meet an assortment of furry, feathered, and scaly friends.
HPHH Online Intensive Program
This course is for you if:
You are unable to access a shelter location.
You are in a region where a location is opening and you want to try our program.
You are on a waitlist for our program.
You don’t feel comfortable coming in person to program classes and would like to learn remotely.
You are part of the Veterans, iCare, First Responders, Injured Workers, or Work Cover.
You have a passion for dogs.
You are interested in goal setting, learning specific tasks, and becoming more social.
You want to join a course that specialises in dog training and rehabilitation.
You want to learn about how shelters work.